July 20, 2022
Recently, Torreya published The Pharma 1000: Top Global Pharmaceutical Company Report. The Report ranks the world's top 1,000 pharmaceutical companies by valuation and provides the latest developments of the global pharmaceutical industry in 2021. CSPC was included in the list again, ranking 25th and taking second place among the Chinese pharmaceutical companies on the list.
According to the Report, compared with last year, the top 5 companies in the market capitalization list have undergone certain changes. Pfizer, AbbVie, Roche, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly were among the top five on the list.
Among the top 1,000 pharmaceutical companies this year, there were 249 Chinese companies. Among the global top 100 pharmaceutical companies, 19 Chinese companies were listed with remarkable strength. This fully demonstrates that Chinese pharmaceutical companies are gaining momentum, and their advantages in the global industrial competition are becoming increasingly prominent. This phenomenon reflects the general trend that the value of the global pharmaceutical industry is shifting to China and other Asian regions.
On the list, CSPC ranks 25th with annual revenue of US$6.5 billion and a valuation of US$47 billion. Compared with the 30th place in 2020, CSPC has advanced 5 places and ranks the second among the Chinese pharmaceutical companies on the list.
In the Report's ranking of major therapeutic areas, CSPC continued its traditional advantages in the field of CNS drugs and ranked the first in the transformation and upgrading of domestic pharmaceutical companies, which fully demonstrates its leading position in this area. It is reported that CSPC has become China's largest central nerve drug distributor and has achieved remarkable sales performance in recent years.
The changes in the ranking proved the stability of CSPC's performance growth. Over the past ten years, CSPC has achieved the average double-digit growth of income and profit with innovation as the strategy, R&D as the driving force, industrialization as the foundation and internationalization as the direction, which is a paragon of innovation and development.
Torreya is a global investment bank with branches on six continents, providing technical support for companies related to the life sciences industry and consulting services in mergers and acquisitions, pharmaceutical asset sales, capital markets and licensing transactions. Since its establishment in 2007, Torreya has provided customers with a transaction value of more than US$100 billion, mainly in biotechnology, brand pharmaceuticals, generic drugs and life sciences.